Friends of W.C. Reed Field and Cleveland Parks

Celebrate our neighborhood parks in Northeast Ohio

The city of Cleveland has been given this question concerning the proposed park remediation ground barrier.  Can anyone address this with an answer?
All need to know how the remediation plan for the park has changed concerning the ground barrier, and how this barrier will function. This ground barrier could slowly kill off the saved trees.

1) Will this ground barrier be used over the entire park area?
2) Will this ground barrier permit the rain water to enter the soil beneath this barrier?
3) Will the ground barrier be placed above the roots of the trees being saved?
4) Previously we have been told that the ground barrier could not be placed above the root system of trees, or the trees will die.
5) Can new trees be planted in the park with this ground barrier?
6) If this ground barrier will not permit the rain water to enter the soil. Where is the rain water to be drained?
7) Will it drain into the present neighborhood sewer system, and what storm sewer line will it be tied into?

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John - the liner is of serious concern - residents need clarification on why this is necessary and what type of liner will be installed - EPA has approved release of funds for the "clean-up" and we have yet to receive any details. 

City now concedes -the tree removal was their requirement, not EPA requirement - and they will save the trees that are not unhealthy ( to my knowledge none of the trees are in bad shape).  Is the liner an EPA requirement?? If not, then why not proceed with careful soil replacement and call it a day...


I am trying to determine why the remediation warrants any of the steps described in our public meetings.  Contractor who will be doing the job also needs to be vetted to residents. 

Fun reading...

Either our city officials have no idea how the ground barrier will function or they wish not to go public with the information...
Secrets continue.  Questions and concerns go unanswered.

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