Friends of W.C. Reed Field and Cleveland Parks

Celebrate our neighborhood parks in Northeast Ohio


***Important Notice***



Remediation Plans for W. C. REED PARK

August 26th, 2013 at 6:30pm

St. Barbara’s Church Hall, 1505 Denison Ave.

The closing of W.C. Reed Park has been a very hot topic in our community. This park has been closed since last fall.

Many of you attended the emergency meeting that was called last December to let us know what was going on with the park. Apparently, toxic contaminants (Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons PAH’s) were found in the park soil. Unfortunately we have not been given much information on the final plans since then.

This meeting is our chance to be informed, and have an opportunity to ask questions concerning the remediation plans for the W.C. Reed Park.

1)    How will the remediation plan for this park affect me?

2)    If living along the park, is my yard part of the old land fill?

3)    Is there any danger from these contaminants when the soil is excavated, will these contaminants become airborne?

4)    How will the construction affect this community?

5)    How will the beauty and healthy trees of this park be protected?

6)    Are my safety and legal rights being protected?

Your voice and concerns are important! We the residents have to live with the results of this remediation plan! This is our community and we have the right to get answers and protect ourselves!

Please attend this important meeting!


Views: 57

Comment by Roland Kausen on August 8, 2013 at 12:05pm

Hi, Laura,

Should we, the Friends of W.C. Reed Field and ALL interested, concerned residents and neighbors, start drafting, compiling and refining the questions that are to be submitted in writing at the upcoming meeting at St. Barbara's on August 26? That way, hopefully we'll speak with a focused, unified voice. A notice asking for questions and directing folks to the <> website could be circulated along with or as part of the notification flyers that Dane and the Southwest Citizens Council said they were planning to distribute throughout the area.




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