Friends of W.C. Reed Field and Cleveland Parks

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On June 24, 2015, the City of Cleveland Water Pollution Control (WPC) confirmed that a test result was positive relating to a break in either a resident's Sanitary Line Connection or the Main Sanitary Line on Park Place.  The site of this location must now be excavated to do a repair.  The City WPC states that this problem will be repaired As Soon As Possible (ASAP).  Residents on Park Place seek a repair date.  WPC has stated "if water and sewage is backing up into Park Place basements, the repair would be a priority".  No date of repair has been given.  Residents on Park Place are very upset.  How comforting it is with each heavy rain to think a quick repair will only be done to this Main Sanitary Line if basements sewers backup.  If that should happen is the City with further responsibilities of a home owners clean up?  Most likely NOT!  A repair of this broken Sanitary Line will be made, but when?

Each heavy rain results in the under washing of the ground beneath the pavement on Park Place.  A deep creator hole is continuing to form.  Is this creating a further liability for the City of Cleveland?  It is suggested to residents to use caution when driving around the cones and barricade placed near and over the sink hole.  Will the City of Cleveland make the necessary repair before we see a total collapse in the Park Place roadway?

Will Mother Nature behave and bring no more heavy rains?

The residents have requested help from Ward 12 Councilman Anthony Brancatelli.  A meeting with the Councilman was requested.  No response from the Councilman.  Is our elected Councilman helping? Tony, remember who you represent and who elected you to this job.  A voice for your constituents when help is required.  Are you listening?

Since Park Place has an aging 100+ year old Sanitary Line, and the street pavement has no concrete or block base.  The pavement has only a gravel base.  Phone conversations have been held with City of Cleveland, Utility Director Robert L. Davis.  A request has been made to the City to do a TV camera viewing of the Main Sanitary Line on Park Place.  Will such a request be granted and done?  Will the City Budget permit such?

Further updates concerning this matter to be provided. 

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On Friday it is reported to WPC that the basement floor drain located at the residence of 3731 Park Place is now backing up. On Monday morning a crew from the City WPC begins to repair to the Sanitary Line.  19 days after being confirmed as an issue and problem.

The Sanitary Line located on Park Place has been repaired.  The Residential Sanitary Line Connection was broken at the main line.  The City opinion is that the cause of this break was because of age.  This area of the street should be open for traffic shortly.

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